This California Cannabis Law Legislative Update includes the significant cannabis bills introduced in the California Legislature each year. See the bills for the current year or look at cannabis bills introduced in prior years.
The California Cannabis Bills Introduced in the California Legislature in 2025.
The California Cannabis Bills Introduced in the California Legislature in 2024.
The California Cannabis Bills Introduced in the California Legislature in 2023.
The California Cannabis Bills Introduced in the California Legislature in 2022.
The California Cannabis Bills Introduced in the California Legislature in 2021.
The California Cannabis Bills Introduced in the California Legislature in 2020.
The California Cannabis Bills Introduced in the California Legislature in 2019.
The California Cannabis Bills Introduced in the California Legislature 2018.
The Legislative Process
Once a legislative bill is approved by both the California Assembly and Senate, it is sent to the Governor. The California Governor can then sign the bill into law, allow the bill to become law without his signature, or veto the bill. A governor’s veto can be overridden by a two thirds vote in both the Assembly and Senate. Most bills go into effect on the first day of January of the next year. Urgency measures take effect immediately after they are signed or allowed to become law without signature.
Bills that are passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor are assigned a chapter number by the California Secretary of State. These Chaptered Bills (also referred to as Statutes of the year they were enacted) then become part of the California Codes.
Existing California Cannabis Law
The Control Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act of 2016 (AUMA), an initiative measure approved as Proposition 64 at the November 8, 2016, statewide California general election, authorizes a person who obtains a state license under AUMA to engage in commercial adult-use cannabis activity pursuant to that license and applicable local ordinances. Commercial adult-use cannabis activity includes cultivation, distribution, transport, storage, manufacturing, testing, processing, sale, and use of marijuana for nonmedical purposes by people 21 years of age and older. California Senate Bill 94, the Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) approved in June 2017, among other things, consolidates the licensure and regulation of commercial medicinal and adult-use cannabis activities and is contained in Division 10 of the California Business and Professions Code (§26000 et seq.). Under MAUCRSA, a single regulatory system governs the medical and adult use cannabis industry in California.
AUMA authorizes the California Legislature to amend its provisions by a bill passed with a 2/3 vote of each house of the Legislature, if the amendment furthers its purposes and intent. AUMA also authorizes the Legislature to amend other provisions by a bill passed by a majority vote if the bill implements specified substantive provisions and the amendments are consistent with and further the purposes and intent of the act.
Contact us by phone or email to learn more about California cannabis law including state, county or city cannabis licensing and cannabis regulations, cannabis regulatory compliance, cannabis litigation, and hemp laws.